Curated Technology Solutions  

Holistic consulting and technology solutions to realize your mission and vision through transforming how your people work, optimizing your technology, and uniting data across your enterprise.

Our Solutions


Implementation Services

Our proprietary SETUP methodology accelerates the value you realize from Smartsheet. This scalable and flexible approach is incorporated into your Smartsheet deployment on Day One and is tailored to your specific goals and objectives.


Smartsheet for Workday

Integrating Smartsheet into Workday projects and operations enables predictable, successful on-time Workday deployments, collaborative and efficient work, and enterprise visibility through dashboards that consolidate data across sources.


Managed Services

As your trusted partner, we bring our bespoke support approach to sustain and elevate your Smartsheet investment. Our team manages your Smartsheet operations, leaving your teams free to focus on driving your business strategy forward.

Workflow Process Optimization

As your enterprise evolves and changes, we work with you on optimizing your Smartsheet operations with new integrations, updates to Smartsheet process flows, and new Smartsheet solutions.


Smart Solutions

Gain visibility to the data across your all enterprise technology platforms. With our Cascade, Down Manager, your teams can view data across your Smartsheets with precision and ease - reducing time managing data enabling you to focus on your business goals with precision.

Smartsheet Health Check

Our comprehensive review of your current Smartsheet configuration and process flows evaluates efficiencies and improvements to your configurations, system setup, reporting, and process flows.


Education & Training Services

We appreciate that any change requires a human centered approach. Our customer education center empowers your teams with the communication planning, knowledge, and skills they need to gain confidence using Smartsheet effectively and efficiently.

Our Partnerships


As a certified Smartsheet Aligned Partner, Curated Automation partners with its clients to deploy Smartsheet solutions and services that unlock data, provide visibility across teams and projects, and enable our clients to unlock their potential to collaborate and make data driven decisions that drive results.


As a DocuSign reselling and implementation partner, we collaborate with our clients to accelerate and simplify the agreement process by incorporating DocuSign into your Smartsheet processes and workflows. 

Learn more about how Curated Automation is empowering our clients to achieve more.

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